World Cities Culture Forum

The World Cities Culture Forum is a network of over 40 cities that collaborate to share research and best practices on the role of culture in city life. Founded in 2012, it brings together cultural policymakers and practitioners from leading cities around the world to explore and advance the cultural vitality of urban centers. The forum conducts research, organizes events, and provides a platform for dialogue and exchange, helping cities leverage culture for sustainable development, social cohesion, and economic growth.
World Cities Culture Forum Trends 2024
The World Cities Culture Trends 2024 Report is based on insights from our Cities and the World Cities Culture Summit hosted in São Paulo on 25-27 October 2023 under the theme ‘Culture, Courage and Leadership for a New World’. The Summit gathered over 140 senior leaders from 40 world cities across 6 continents to discuss the most urgent challenges faced by the world’s leading creative cities today, covering topics from AI to health, power sharing to culture in conflict.