Arts and Culture the Netherlands
At the heart of every thriving society lies its culture and arts. They are the vibrant threads that weave together the fabric of human expression, creativity, and identity. Recognizing their significance, governments and organizations worldwide implement arts and cultural policies to nurture, protect, and promote these invaluable assets.
At City Art, we are dedicated to exploring, analyzing, and advocating for policies that foster the growth and sustainability of arts and culture. Our mission is to serve as a comprehensive resource center, bringing together stakeholders from diverse backgrounds – policymakers, artists, scholars, and enthusiasts – to engage in meaningful dialogue, exchange ideas, and drive positive change.
Arts and Culture Policy in the Netherlands
DG Culture and Media
Director-General Culture and Media is Mrs. B. (Barbera) Wolfensberger. She is responsible for the departments of Heritage & Arts, Media & Creative Industries and International Policy. The Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands and the National Archives also fall under her responsibility.
Council for Culture
The Council for Culture is a body established by law to advise the Dutch Government and Parliament on the arts, culture and media. The Council provides recommendations regarding the cultural policy in the Netherlands, whether it is requested of them or not.
Usually, the Council provides a recommendation at the request of the Minister of the OCW (Ministry of Education, Culture and Science). Every four years, the Council presents its recommendations on the perennial, government-subsidised, cultural institutions. The recommendation is not binding; the Minister has the final decision about which institutes are eligible for subsidy.
National Government Arts and Culture Policy
Subsidy system for art and culture
Cultural institutions and cultural funds that receive government subsidies together form the national basic infrastructure (bis). This includes the following sectors, genres and forms:
- performing arts
- museums
- visual arts, such as paintings and statues
- design
- movie
- literature, such as reading promotion and literature education
- the creative industry: architecture, design and new media
- supporting institutions
In addition to the municipality, there are also other organizations that provide subsidies or co-finance. Find the organization that suits your request here.
> Europese subsidies: EFRO